Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
See the designs

Free Star of the Week poster templates

Create a free Star of the Week template for your school at EDIT.org. Customize, download and print your designs in minutes.

Edit a Star of the Week design See the designs

Create star of the week posters, banners, or diplomas with EDIT.org's free templates.

Star of the week template editable online


Create a star of the week poster for your school

Many activities are carried out in class to help students get to know each other and themselves better. One of them is the well-known "student of the week", in which one of the pupils acts as the leading role every week.

For that, teachers use designs in which the child in question has to describe some aspects of their life (family, years, pets, etc.) and tastes (colors, books, movies, etc.).

Some schools do it a little differently, only congratulating the student who has worked the best during that period and elaborating a design, either in poster or banner format, congratulating them. Also, many schools make diplomas to reward those who have performed the best.

Whatever the case of your institution or class, create your design with the customizable online templates of EDIT.org. Also, discover other templates for your institution on the editor, such as motivational poster designs for students, student presentation posters, or even designs with classroom rules.

Best star of the week ideas for preschool


How to customize school templates at EDIT.org

  1. Click on an image in this article or go to the editor.
  2. Select a design for your students
  3. Easily customize it as you wish
  4. Save the layout
  5. Download the template to print or share online

Customizable student of the week templates


Star of the week printable templates to congratulate your students

When you finish editing the design, you must save it in your user profile to continue editing it later or create copies. In this way, you will be able to use a single design to create a diploma and a poster, for example, which will share the same visual characteristics. When you download the template, you can choose the format that best suits your needs (JPG, PNG, or PDF) and print it in the highest quality.

Start now with your design and surprise your students with original creations for your class.

See the designs

Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
Edit a Star of the Week design
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Edit a Star of the Week design