Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
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Free customizable classroom rules poster templates

Customize printable classroom rules posters for your school using the free templates of EDIT.org's online graphic editor. Edit and download them in just a few minutes.

Edit a classroom poster See the designs

Edit EDIT.org free customizable templates to create classroom posters with rules for your students.

Free classroom rules poster template


Create a classroom rules poster for your school

Establishing a set of classroom rules is essential to improve the coexistence and relationship between your students and them and the teaching staff. These rules should be agreed upon and worked on in the classroom to ensure your learners understand them and can carry them out, especially in the preschool grades.

There are different types of rules, such as those related to punctuality and preparation, hygiene and common spaces order, or those to encourage students to ask questions or work hard to give their best.

Behavioral rules are usually the most important ones: helping classmates if they need it, respecting the teacher, using words such as "thank you" or "please", listening to others when they speak or raising the hand before saying anything.

Customize an EDIT.org template to group all these rules in an original way to catch your students' attention. At the editor, you will also find other templates that can be of great help to you, such as timetable designs, lesson planners, or anti-bullying posters.

Free poster on classroom rules


Edit a printable classroom expectations poster on EDIT.org

  1. Click on a template in the article or go to the editor to get started
  2. Choose the design you like best
  3. Customize it with the elements, icons, colors, and text you like
  4. Save the layout
  5. Download the final result to print and hang in the classroom

Customizable class rules poster template


Classroom rules designs for schools and high schools

You can also create a list of rules for your virtual class sessions: turn off the microphone, keep the camera on, show a good attitude and predisposition, etc. Both in these designs and your classroom rules posters, you must use original typography and elements that catch your children's attention and help them visually understand what the rule is about.

Once the design is done, save it in your user profile to continue editing it at another time or create copies of it. There is also the possibility of editing these compositions together with your team of teachers if you think it is convenient. In any case, making a normative poster will only take you a few minutes, and you will get a good result attracting all students' attention.


Start now to edit a classroom poster with rules to print at EDIT.org online graphic editor.

See the designs

Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
Edit a classroom poster
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