Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
See the designs

Christmas party invitation templates to edit online

Customize free Christmas invitation templates at EDIT.org and promote your parties, dinners and events easily.

Edit a Christmas invitation design See the designs

Create Christmas invitations for dinners, events, and parties with EDIT.org's customizable online templates.

Editable templates for Christmas invitation cards


Create creative Christmas invitations for your business

Christmas is probably the most special time of the year, so parties, dinners, and events organized during these dates must be up to par. Every detail counts, and it is crucial that when promoting these events, you know how to convey both the Christmas spirit and your organization's values.

Create personalized Christmas invitations for events at EDIT.org. Add all the necessary details to achieve a spectacular result in just a few minutes. On the editor, find templates for all kinds of Christmas and New Year's Eve designs, as well as Christmas menu templates perfect for restaurants.

Company Christmas party invitations


Christmas invitation templates for editing at EDIT.org

  1. Click on a poster in this article or go to the editor
  2. Select the design you like best for editing
  3. Add other elements and make changes as needed
  4. Save the layout
  5. Download the final result to print or share online

Free Christmas celebration invitation template


Free printable Christmas invitation cards

Although the colors most associated with Christmas are green and red, it is becoming more and more common to add gold, silver, and yellow. Easily insert icons, drawings, and elements for a more spectacular result, such as the Santa Claus icon, garlands, or Christmas lights. This way, you will also make the person quickly relate the invitation to the event in question.

Once the design is done, save it in your user profile to continue editing it later or to create copies of it for your other events. At any time, you can download them in the highest quality (JPG, PNG, or PDF) and print them immediately.

Start editing your Christmas party invitations now with EDIT.org.

See the designs

Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
Edit a Christmas invitation design
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Edit a Christmas invitation design