Edit a baptism banner
Edit a baptism banner
Edit a baptism banner
Customizable digital baptism invitations

Free Baptism Invitation Templates

Create free baptism invitation cards with EDIT.org's editable templates ready to download and print from home and online.

Edit a baptism banner Customizable digital baptism invitations

Customize baptism invitations at EDIT.org for free. Make an elegant design for this important celebration for your child in seconds.

Editable free baptism invitation template


Create a personalized baptism announcement design

If you have a professional photo studio or you are an event organizer and you want to offer your clients better designs to invite their family and dear friends to their baby's christening, you are on the best website for ready-to-customize templates in seconds - you won't need Photoshop anymore!

As a family member of the child to be baptized, it is normal that you want to save money and lower the budget of the event as much as you can. With EDIT.org, you will achieve this. You don't need to be an expert designer or computer scientist to customize our baptism templates - it's as easy as typing in Word!

In less than a minute, you can create and download in high resolution:

You will also be able to make official certificates to deliver at the end of the act which is signed and sealed by the priest or priest. Perfect for laminating or framing on the wall.

Customizable blank baptism invitations


How to edit free baptism invitations at EDIT.org

Look how easy it is!

  1. Click on an invitation in this article, or go to the editor to choose another template
  2. Customize it. Make all the changes you need (colors, typography, etc.). Include or not a picture of your baby
  3. Save the layout. This way, you can make additions or changes later without starting from scratch
  4. Download the final result in JPG, PDF, or PNG to print in high quality or share it online


Customizable baptism menu template for free


Christening invitation templates to edit online

Christening invitation templates to edit online

Why pay others when you can do this job yourself in a colossal and effortless way?

If you have a space to hold your child's christening banquet and after-party, throw a beautiful party that everyone will remember with a smile. Baptism is a day of Faith and Tradition. In baptism, there are a lot of details that should not be missing: from the characteristic clothes to the candle: the Easter Candle. It represents how Christ is the light in our life. That "flame" is full of love and peace. It should be lit while praying for the good or health of a loved one or making a wish for the general good of humanity.

At EDIT.org, we help people every day to save time and money. And to achieve their goals. All solutions are editable. We have also created customizable templates for your professional photo studio or event salon, so you can get more happy customers by offering them the best communion invitations or wedding invitations.

Downloadable free baptism certificate template


Printable baptism cards to customize

EDIT.org helps you save money on this precious day!

You can create as many designs as you need from the comfort of your couch at home. Use your favorite electronic devices such as a phone, a tablet, or a laptop. Our templates are ready to be used by all kinds of people, regardless of whether or not they have computer skills. All you need to do is click on the editable areas to create beautiful christening posters and invitations in the sizes you want. You can even adapt the same design to different formats.

Here's a tip! You can print the final result (we recommend you do it in PDF format), but the most increasingly used option to save costs and reduce the environmental impact is to send each invitation by email or WhatsApp. We must take care of the planet! We have no other... for now!

Enter the online graphic editor and create a beautiful invitation to your baby's christening! You'll have it ready in seconds!

Customizable digital baptism invitations

Edit a baptism banner
Edit a baptism banner
Edit a baptism banner
Edit a baptism banner
Edit a baptism banner
Edit a baptism banner
Edit a baptism banner
Edit a baptism banner
Edit a baptism banner
Edit a baptism banner
Edit a baptism banner
Edit a baptism banner
Edit a baptism banner
Edit a baptism banner
Edit a baptism banner
Edit a baptism banner
Edit a baptism banner
Edit a baptism banner
Edit a baptism banner
Edit a baptism banner
Edit a baptism banner
Edit a baptism banner
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